Domain Search
Domain Generator
WHOIS Information
Reverse IP Lookup
Domain Location
DNS Lookup
Blocklist Lookup
Open Ports Lookup
    Dedicated Bare Metal Servers

    Wow! This domain is still available for registration.


    Unfortunately this domain has already been registered.


    Check Domain Availability
    Search Domain name within a huge TLD database

    Our database includes information about 2233 various domain extensions so you can check availability of almost any global, local or professional TLD
    (1st and 2nd level extensions).

    Find Domain Owner & Information
    Domain price information right from registrar

    In addition to domain availability information you will get a first year registration price. Whether the found domain name is free, click the 'Buy' button and register the desired domain name in one click.

    Find out Domain Expiry
    Find out the domain age, update, expiry date and more

    Whether the domain name of your dream is already occupied, you will see the 'WHOIS' button. Click it and the tool will take you to this domain name WHOIS Lookup so you could check if this domain expires shortly.

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    Check Domain Availability
    Save time for other activities and yourself

    Whether the queried domain name is being already occupied by someone, the search tool will provide you several of similar alternatives that are free and you can purchase with one click.

    Find Domain Owner & Information
    Search domain names with TLDs you really need

    Uncheck unneeded domain extensions under the search bar and they will not be suggested as alternativly available for purchase. This can save you some time on discovering domain suggestions.

    Find out Domain Expiry
    Feel comfortable with your local currency

    On the top right of this page you can choose among world currencies. Since the Domainator uses currency exschange API, you will see the real prices of available for purchase domain names.

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    What is Domain Search?

    This is a tool that checks the availability of the specified domain name and allows you to purchase it (if it is not otaken yet) or to lookup the occupied one's WHOIS information.

    Why sometimes I see incorrect prices in this Domain Search?

    The prices are set as for TLD. However, for short/long domain name the registrar's price can vary. Since we don't sell domain name you query, we cannot know and set the exact price for each 2-, 5- or 17- character domain name. Also, the PHP script we use cannot set prices according to regex.

    Can I use Domain Search to check if a domain name is taken?

    Yes you do. The taken domain name will appear with red "WHOIS" button to the right of it, else to the right from the entered domain name you will see it's price and a green "Buy" button.

    How can I use Domain Search to find a domain name?

    You just need to enter the desired domain name (or keyword) in the text field and click the "Search" button.

    Does Domain Search offer suggestions for domain names?

    Yes, our Domain Search instrument will provide you with lots of suggestions whether your desired domain name is free to buy or taken by somebody.

    How many domain name extensions can I search with Domain Search?

    We currently have 2233 TLDs in our database and this domain search tool can check the availability of any of them for you.

    What information does Domain Search provide about domain names?

    This tool can only provide you with information if the desired and suggested domain names are available or taken.

    How quickly will Domain Search show if a domain name is free or taken?

    Information about the status of domain name you search and first suggested ones will appear less than in two seconds since you click the "Search" button.

    Does Domain Search provide any other services?

    No, this instrument can only check if domain name is available for buy, but we've got a few of free domain tools on separate pages of this website.

    Is there any customer support available with Domain Search?

    Yes, feel free to email us if you have any questions by going to the "Contact Us" page.