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Pages storing history of users' WHOIS Searches

Internet users query WHOIS data for many reasons and one of these to check the domain expiry date. Domainator stores all the queries here. For you.

Find Domain Owner & Information
Complete domain information right from registrar

Since our database includes more that 2k TLDs, Domainator gets an up-to-date information directly from various WHOIS servers. Simply click the button.

Find out Domain Expiry
Find out the domain age and expiry date

Choose any domain name from history pages and click the red button. Next, Domainator will provide you with domain age, expiry date and many more.

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Check Domain Availability
Find out the domain registrar's contact details

Whether you are a webmaster, a domain-related business owner or want to report abuse, you can get the domain registrar's email and contact phone with one click.

Find Domain Owner & Information
Get info about nameservers of exact domain

There are many reasons to lookup nameservers of your own, competitor's or donor websites' nameservers. Browse history and collect this data easily.

Find out Domain Expiry
Gather data about DNSSEC of any domain name

DNSSEC stands for Domain Name System Security Extensions and as any other WHOIS data strings, this one will also be provided for any domain from this History.

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What is WHOIS Recent Searches?

This is the page where Domainator visitors can see what domain names others have requested in the WHOIS Lookup tool.

How can I look up WHOIS for these websites?

Next to each domain name in the list of recent searches is a big red "WHOIS" button. Click this button and voila – the WHOIS information for this domain name will be provided to you in less than a second.

How are the inquiries split into pages?

Recent searches are displayed at the top of the left column, and after the 24th query, the top domain will move to the second page.

How often is the WHOIS Recent Searches page cleaned up?

There are no rules, we clear this information from our database manually and on an irregular basis – sometimes once a month, sometimes once a quarter, but we never clear all searches – only some of the oldest ones.

What information can I find using the WHOIS Recent Searches page?

On this page, you can see which domain names have been recently requested by Domainator visitors, and by clicking the red button next to each entry, you can find the WHOIS information for that domain name. In addition, our tool will check the keyword for purchase availability with different domain extensions.

How can I know which domain names were recently interesting?

The most recent searches are displayed at the top of the left column of the first page. At the bottom of the right column, you can see the oldest, the 24th request. You can view pages of recent WHOIS lookups and view even older domain name queries.

Is there a limit to the number of searches I can make?

All of Domainator's tools are not only free, but also unlimited in use, so you can make as many requests as you like.

What is the best way to use the WHOIS Recent Searches page?

First of all, you can look up WHOIS information for any domain name that website users have requested. But also, some of these domain names may inspire you to create a website with a similar name, so after clicking the "WHOIS" button next to a name you like, our tool will check its keyword for availability for purchase with another domain extension.

Is there a way to save my searches for future use?

Your searches are automatically saved in the search history, but they are mixed with the searches of other users. So if you want to save only your own queries - copy and paste them into a text file, MS Excel document, etc.

Is there a way to get notified when a certain domain name is searched?

This website can't provide you with such a service :) Whatever it is, maybe somewhere on the internet you can download a tool that will track our recent WHOIS lookup page and notify you of any changes.

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